WebLast updated: 2025-02-12
The Logistics Manager Pro software suite (LMPro) is a cloud-based warehouse and last mile delivery management system built from the ground up to be user friendly, agile and feature rich. It contains all the necessary functionality to manage your warehouse, routing, dispatch and delivery operations. LMPro leverages the latest technology to allow your company to do more with less resources. The optional automated calling module can automate the process of calling, messaging and emailing customers to schedule orders, and notify them of their delivery appointment. This section of the documentation describes functionality provided via the web interface.
- Order - a delivery or service to be provided for a customer
- Package - a component of a delivery order that is the smallest trackable part
- Customer - the individual receiving the delivery or service
- TSP - a transportation service provider also refered to as a client
- User - an individual authorized to use LMPro
- Carrier - an individual authorized to delivery or provide services to customers
- Vendor/Company - an entity for whom delivery services are being performed
Status List
- Entered (ENT 1) - Order delivery information has been entered
- Stocked (STK 2) - Order has been assigned a stock location (at warehouse)
- Scheduled (SCH 3) - Order has been assigned a delivery date (or is pickup)
- Confirmed (CNF 4) - Customer has been contacted regarding delivery
- Assigned (CAR 5) - Order has been assigned to a carrier
- Out For Delivery (OFD) - Order is loaded on delivery vehicle
- Signed (SGN 6) - Order has been signed for by customer
- Failed (FLD 7) - Order has failed
- Invoiced (INV 8) - Order has been invoiced
- Cancelled (CAN 0) - Order has been cancelled
The login page allows users to authenticate and generate a custom set of permission that allow access to the various LMPro web applications and functionality within those applications. Users can be assigned different roles and privileges, so users may experience the individual modules differently. Users must have credentials issued by an authorized user through the User Manager application. This is generally someone working at the transportation service provider company. Users can switch between 'Production' and 'Test' mode using the 'Environment' drop down menu in the upper left corner on the menu bar. In 'Test' mode, the entire application connects to a test database so no 'live' data is modified. This allows users to test functionality and try new features without the possibility of affecting 'live' orders. Use the link below to redirect to the login view. Please bookmark this link as redirect may change in the future.
Login link - https://login.lmpro.us
Launch Pad
The launch pad is the interface you see immediately upon logging in to LMPro. This dashboard allows you to see previously viewed orders, a history of your activity within the application and a summary of order volume and status in the selected warehouse. The 'Previously Viewed Orders' list has a link button in the first column that will open the associated order in Order Manager. The menu bar at the top of the page is available in each application and provides an 'App' menu to navigate between application modules. In addition, this top menu bar provides a link to the 'Search' module which is the most effective way to find an order.
Search functionality is found in the top menu bar and is broken down into six categories.
Quick Search - this search allows you to search by Order Code, Reference Code, Source Address Last Name or Delivery Address Last Name using a single search value in a text box. This search will only return orders entered in the previous twelve months.
Advanced Search - this search allows you to search by a specific criteria with in a specific date range and scope. The scope filter is a standard contol throughout the application it allows you to limit a select by All , Warehouse, Company, Store, Account Group or Account.
- Order refers to the unique code used to reference a specific order.
- Account refers to the account the order is associated with.
- Control Number refers to the control number or truck number entered with the order.
- Receiver Code refers to a code used to reference how an order was entered into the system.
- Reference Code refers to the unique code used to reference a specific order.
- First Name refers to the first name of the delivery customer.
- Last Name refers to the last name of the delivery customer.
- Phone Number refers to the phone number of the delivery customer.
- PostalCode refers to the postal code of the delivery customer.
- Service refers to the service the order is associated with (delivery, assembly, return, etc).
- Status refers to the current status of the order is associated with (0 Cancelled, 1 Entered, 2 Stocked, 3 Scheduled, 4 Notified, 5 Assigned, 6 Signed, 7 Failed, 8 Invoiced, 9 Archived).
- Store refers to the store the order is associated with. Not all orders are associated with stores.
- Package Code refers to the code on the label of a package. This code must match a package code entered into LMPro.
- Package Identifier refers to a a unique code on the label of a package often the text version of the barcode. This code must match a package indentifier entered into LMPro.
- Order refers to the unique code used to reference a specific order.
- Last Name refers to the last name of the delivery customer.
- Phone Number refers to the phone number of the delivery customer.
Postal Code Search - this search allows the user to search for orders with a specific postal code filtering by company and warehouse.
Order Manager Search - the search box in the upper right in 'Order Manger' will search for an exact match on an Order Code for orders entered within the last year. If the 'Archive' checkbox is checked, the search will include orders older than a year that have been archived.
Order Manager
The Order Manager is the primary application used to update individual orders. It displays all information about an order. The display is divided into six panels, each with an 'Edit' button that will popup the details and allow editing.
The Source Address panel displays where the order will be collected from. This can be a warehouse address, a store address or a customer address in the case of a return.
The Delivery Address panel displays where the order will be delivered. This can be a warehouse address, a store address or a customer address. It is important that all addresses have valid postal codes and the postal code is set up in the Zone Manager as this is used to determine the time zone of an order and used to to assign the billing zone. The system will geocode the delivery address if the address is valid to make calculations to suggest stop numbers and display the order location on user interface maps.
The Signature panel allows users to update the time an order went out for delivery, who signed for the order and at what time the order was signed for. This work flow is usually handled via the Mobile Carrier app by a delivery carrier and these updates are timestamped at the moment the update occurs. Carriers cannot modify orders through the Mobile Carrier app once they have updated them, customer service reps and managers have the ability update all non-invoiced orders through the Order Manger interface.
The Stock panel allows users to update the stock location of an order and update Return to Vendor (RTV) and Returned To Vendor Complete (RTVC) in the case of a return. This step is not required to dispatch an order, it is helpful to keep track of inventory or cross-dock delivery items. Stocking the order involves assigning the pieces associated with the order a stock location so carrier knows where to locate the goods he/she is to deliver. The stocking work flow is usually handled via the Mobile Warehouse app by a warehouse associate. Stocking can be used to trigger the automated scheduling of an order delivery date. Once the order is stocked, the system concludes that the merchandise is availble to schedule for delivery.
The Schedule panel allows users to update the delivery date and delivery time frame of an order. Orders can be entered with a deliver date asssigned, a delivery date can be assigned by the customer via the web schedule app or via the automated call/sms system. It is important to select which party is requesting the date/time frame change before attempting to update a delivery date/time frame.
The Dispatch panel allows users to update the carrier assigned to deliver an order. This interface also allows users to edit the account and service type an order is associated with. Users may also 'Fail' an order by selecting an appropriate failure exception and adding a descriptive note. This work flow is usually handled via the Mobile Carrier app as most of the accepted exceptions occur at the point of delivery. Please note, until an order is marked Out for Delivery (OFD), certain exceptions will not be availble to choose from.
Order Monitor
The Order Monitor is used to monitor the delivery of orders through out the delivery life cycle. Customer service representatives and dispatch associates can monitor the delivery progress of orders. The scope options are a combination of delivery date, warehouse and dispatch board, dispatchboard group, account or account group. The order list view allows the user to see the status of all orders with the scope, monitor late deliveries and update orders if necessary. Edits can be made using the quick edit button in the second column from the left, or by the Order Manager link button which is in the first column. The quick editor provides a subset of order editing features available in Order Manager. The features provided are primarily to adjust carriers and time windows in addition to manually updating orders when carriers are unable to do so via the mobile apps. The carrier monitor provides a map view so the user can see the current location of a carrier (if they are using the LMPro Mobile carrier app) and the status and locations of their route for the selected date.
Order Entry
The Order Entry is used to manually enter orders into LMPro.
The Create Order step sets the country, company, store, account and servicetype the order will be associated with.
The Source Address step sets the location the merchandise will be collected from for delivery. This is usually a warehouse or store location. In the event this is a return order, this could be a customer address, and the 'Is Customer Address' checkbox should be checked.
The Delivery Address step assigns the address the order will be delivered to. This is usually a customer address, unless the order is a return. A check box for 'Is Business Address' is available to let the dispatch team know to schedule the delivery within business hours.
The Add Item step is used to assign items to the delivery. If specific items need to be associated with a delivery, these first need to be added using the Item Manager. It is also possible to assign a 'Generic Item' to the order when it is not necessary to assign exact items to an order. The first step requires the user to select an item from the item catalog associated with the associated conpany, then select a quantity and item source (Warehouse, Store, Inventory or Customer). The 'Warehouse' and 'Store' options are for cross-dock orders that are not put into inventory. The 'Customer' option is for return orders. These options can be enabled in the 'Account Manager'. Once an item is added to the order the user can add additional items or click the 'Schedule' button in the upper right.
The Schedule step used to set the delivery date and delivery time window for an order. This step is optional and is only necessary if this information is available at the time the order is entered. In addition, a load date, drop date and order note can be added.
The Summary step provides a detailed view of the order that will pe entered into the delivery system. An email address can be entered to share the order with another party. The order will not be entered until the 'Complete' button is clicked in the upper right. Once this button is clicked, the user will see a result view showing the order that was entered. This order can now be further edited by searching for this order code.
Account Manager
The Account Manager is a management level module that allows creating/editing/deactivating accounts. Every LMPro order must be associated with an account as the account controls many aspects of the life cycle of the order. When an order is created, the account assigned to the order will determine the servicetypes that can be applied to the order, the customer service contact information for the order, the default warehouse for the order, the dispatch board for the order, and the zone group that should be used to apply the correct zone to the postal code. The 'Account Group' link at the top of the view opens an interface that allows creating and editing custom account groups. The 'Customer Service Contact' section allows control of what contact information is provided to the customer throughout the lifecycle of the order. The 'Transfer CS Phone' is used to tranfer customer calls from the automated calling system. This phone number could be the customer service number of the TSP or the direct customer service number of the vendor. The 'Account Notifications' link at the top of the view opens an interface that allows customizing customer notification options. When an email address is entered in the order status input boxes, a notification email will be sent to that email address when that particular status update is triggered. If the Customer Email checkbox is checked, the system will send a notification to the email address of the customer if the order has an associated email address. The 'Account Billing' link provides access to billing surcharge controls. These are predefined surcharges that allow for customized charges and payout amounts per account.
Account BillingThe 'Account Billing' tab allows the user to make adjustents to surcharges and discounts that are calculated per account.
The Per Mile charge sets the amount that will be charged per mile above the specified number of miles. This can be added to the base rate set in the service type or used independently. The payout can also be set as an amount or percentage and will be added to the settlement.
The Handling charge sets the amount that will be charged for any order associated with this account that is assigned a stock location. This surcharge does no apply to payouts as it is a warehouse function that is not performed by contract carriers.
The Storage charge sets the amount that will be charged for any order that stays in a stock location for more that the specified number of days. If the 'days' texbox is set to '0', the storage charge will accrue from the first day stocked. This surcharge does no apply to payouts as it is a warehouse function that is not performed by contract carriers.
The Over Weight charge sets the amount per pound that will be added to the base amount if an order exceeds the specified weight. The payout can be set as an amount or percentage and will be added to the settlement.
The Large Order Base Amount charge sets the amount that will replace the base amount set in the servicetype if an order exceeds the specified weight. The payout can be set as an amount or percentage and will be added to the settlement.
The Large Order Per Zone charge sets the amount that will be added the to base amount set in the servicetype if an order exceeds the specified volume or number of pieces. The payout can be set as an amount or percentage and will be added to the settlement.
The Extra Pieces charge sets the amount per extra piece that will be added to the base amount set in the servicetype if an order exceeds the specified number of pieces. The payout can be set as an amount or percentage and will be added to the settlement.
The Fuel charge sets the amount that will be added to the base amount set in the servicetype to subsidize fuel for for the delivery. This can be set as a set amount or a percentage of the base amount. The payout can be set as an amount or percentage and will be added to the settlement. Fuel surchages are stored along with the effective date the change was applied so historical orders show the correct charge.
The Authorized To Leave Discount sets an amount or percentage that will be discounted for orders that are authorized to leave without collecting a customer signature. The payout discount can also be set as an amount or percentage and will be subtracted from the settlement.
The Electric Vehicle Surcharge sets an amount or percentage that will be added to the order delivery total for using an electric vehicle for the delivery. The contract carrier profile must have fuel type set to 'Electric' for this surcharge to be applied. The payout can also be set as an amount or percentage and will be added to the settlement.
Billing Manager
The Billing Manager is a management level module that allows creating/editing/deactivating invoices and settlements. This module should only be accessed by authorized billing personnel. Invoices are created by selecting the billing client, the account or account group, and the date range of the orders that should be selected for the invoice. The system will select orders with delivery dates from 12 AM of the start of the date range until 11:59 PM of the end date. It is important to understand that orders can only be selected if they have a delivery date assigned. Reset orders with no delivery date or orders that are stocked, but left unscheduled will not be included in invoices. Once the criteria for an invoice is entered, a list of order that are within the scope of the orders will be displayed. The user has the opportunity to select all, or exclude orders from the invoice if desired. Once the order selection is submitted, the system will take up to 15 minutes to rate all orders and import the data into the billing database. The user will be sent an email notifiying them that the system has finished processing the invoice and the invoice can be edited and printed or exported. Once the invoice has been rated and imported into the billing database, the invoice will be listed in the top grid of the menu page. The invoice can be edited by clicking the 'Edit' icon in the left column of the grid. Once an invoice is opened, adjustments to the charge and payout amounts to each individual order by clicking the 'Edit' icon in the left column. At the bottom of the view the user can make total charge adjustments that adjust the total of the entire invoice. The pulldown menu at the bottom of the view allows you to perform actions hat affect the entire invoice. If the invoice is correct and ready to export or print, the 'Update as Invoiced' action should be selected to lock the rating on the ordrs so future rating changes to Account, Service Types and Surcharge do not modify previously invoiced orders. The 'Update Totals' action is used to recalculate the totals of the invoice if changes have been made to individual orders in the invoice. The 'Reset Adjustments' action is used to reset adjustments made to all orders in the invoice. The 'Update Rating' action is used to recalculate the rating of all the individual orders withing an invoice. This is useful if changes have been made to account and servicetype pricing after the invoice was created.. The 'Deactivate Invoice' action is used to deactivate an entire invoice of orders.
Company Manager
The Company Manager is a management level module that allows editing of company information. Company in this context refers to the entity for whom delivery services are being performed. The company designation allows reports to be pulled for specific sets of order relatred to the specified entity. In addition, customer messaging can be customerized at the company level.
Carrier Manager
The Contract Carrier Manager is a management level module that allows editing/deactivating carriers. Carriers are created by checking the 'Is Carrier' check box in the User Manager. This interface allows users to set a route start address and customize the vehicle details of each carrier to facilitate more efficient routing and provide warnings during the routing process if weight or volume exceeds the carrier vehicle capacity for any assigned route. Setting the correct fuel type is important as this triggers additional surcharges for certain vendors that pay extra for EV deliveries. The 'Carrier Settlement' link in the 'Carrier Detail' view allows you to set carrier settlement rates that will be applied across all vendors. This pricing overides serice type level pricing that may differ from vendor to vendor. If the 'Daily Amount $' has a value greater than zero, this amount will be the used as total settlement for all the selected carrier's orders for the given day.
Dispatch Board Manager
The Dispatch Board Manager is a management level module that allows creating/editing/deactivating dispatch boards and groups. Dispatch boards are assigned to accounts in the 'Account Manager' and are applied from the associated account when orders are entered. This allows orders to be grouped in unique ways for dispatch monitoring.
File Import Manager
The File Import Manager allows importing of xlsx documents to update data in LMPro. The upload types are pre-defined and will only be successful if the upload format follows the exact XLSX header template. It is important that upload files do not contain images and do not have blank rows. If the xlsx has rows with empty values after the last valid row, this could still cause the upload to fail. Different import types have different maximum import row counts, in the event an upload fails, it is important to read the error message thoroughly, as this will provide information on why the upload failed. The error will contain maximum row count information if this has been exceeded.
Inventory Manager
The Inventory Manager module allows provides a way to manage vendor inventory. Stock locations can be can be assigned items as inventory, these inventory items can be added to manually entered orders and automatically deduct from inventory. Each inventory record represents an item, a stock location and a quantity. Item and stock location pairs should be unique. Creating dedicated stock locations for long-term inventory is recommended to facilitate inventory reconciliation and adjustment processes. When creating or updating inventory, it is important to choose the appropriate edit type. Use 'Receiving' to increase the current inventory count, or select 'Adjustment' to reset the inventory count for the specified item. The 'Serial Number' field allows the user to enter a serial number associated with an item in the inventory location, and view the Serial Number in an inventory report.
Route Manager
The Route Manager is designed to facilitate creating optimal routes and assigning orders to carriers in the most efficient way possible. In the 'Assign Stops' view, the user should select the warehouse or store the orders will originate from. Next the delivery date to be routed should be selected. The grid in the upper right of the map shows a dropdown menu of the distinct accounts or service types in the order selection. The grid below shows order counts grouped by route. At least one of these routes must be selected to show orders on the map.
Service Type Manager
The Service Type Manager is a management level module that allows creating/editing/deactivating accounts service types. Service types contain zone level pricing for a particular service type. Service types can be shared between vendors or setup indiviually for each vendor. The zone levels correspond to the ZoneCode set in the Zone Manager for each postal code. This allows different pricing charges for deliveries based on the postal code of the source of the merchandise, usually a warehouse or store, and the postal code of the delivery customer. This zone base charge is combined with additional surcharges configured in the account manager to calculate a total order charge and payout. The service name assigned to a servicetype will determine the service applied to the order if the service type is updated. There are twenty zone levels available.
Stock Location Manager
The Stock Location Manager is a management level module that allows editing of stock locations. Stock locations are setup for a specific warehouse to represent precise locations within the warehouse. This allows users to quickly locate merchandise for Cross Dock orders (short term storage) and merchandise from inventory inventory that is being stored long term. Stock location by default are designed to hold merchandise for a single order when used for cross-dock stocking, or a single item when used for inventory. The stock location will display as unavailable for stocking once associated with an order or item. If the 'Multi' checkbox is selected, multiple orders or items can be placed in a single stock location. This is useful for staging truck loads of orders. The shelf size can be used for reporting purposes to keep a record of the stock locations sizes. Stock locations can also be assigned to stores. This is useful for situations in which merchandise is stocked at a vendor store and is picked up and delivered from that location.
Store Manager
The Store Manager is a management level module that allows editing of store locations. Store locations can used to associate with orders with a vendor retail location to pickup or return merchandise and filter order searchs and reports. Accounts do not have to be associated with a specific store, they can be assigned as 'Not Associated' but this will remove the option to filter records by store. This module also allows customer service contact information to entered for each store location.
User Manager
The User Manager is a management level module that facilitates creating, editing and de-activating users. Usernames and email addresses must be unique within the LMPro system. Correct contact information for users is important as the system sends vaious alerts via email, and carriers receive SMS messages regarding orders on occassion. Users can be can be assigned sets of user roles via a drop down menu, or the user roles can be customized in the selector beneath. The 'User Roles' generally correlate to the discreet software modules that make up the LMPro software suite. In addition, users can be assigned to specific warehouses. This helps prevent orders being accidentaly assigned to stock locations in other warehouses that have similar stock locations names. Carries must also be assigned to warehouses so they areavailable to assigned to orders from that warehouse. The grid at the bottom of the view displays all the recent tracked events for the selected user. Account assignment is another important feature accessible under the 'Account Details' link at the top of the view. Users can only create/view/edit orders that correlate to accounts they have been assigned. It is possible to assign users to account groups also, which automatically assigns the user to all accounts in the account group. The 'Assign All Accounts' check box should only be used for internal TSP users that should have access to all orders. A user image can be uploaded under the 'User Image' link at the top of the view.
Warehouse Manager
The Warehouse Manager is a management level module that allows editing of warehouse location and control of stocking and notification functions at the warehouse level. The warehouse address is usually the source address for cross-dock and inventory orders. Accounts should be assigned a default warehouse representing the source address of delivery order for that account. Warehouses are assigned to specific stock locations in the 'Stock Location Manager'. Assigning accounts to a default warehouse, which represents the delivery order's source address for that account, is recommended. These warehouses are further linked to specific stock locations through the 'Stock Location Manager.' Each warehouse can have its order delivery capacity configured, limiting the number of orders scheduled per day by the automated scheduling systems. TThese settings will affect all orders with an account relationship to this warehouse, regardless of source address of the order. There is the option to activate or deactivate master control for automated calling/messaging. The 'Clear StockLocations' button will unassign all stocklocations for the respective warehouse. This feature is useful when doing a complete re-inventory of a warehouse.
Zone Manager
The Zone Manager is a management level module that allows order pricing to be set by distance from a single postal code (warehouse address) to all surrounding postal codes. These zones can be thought of as concentric circles surrounding the warehouse address allowing delivery charges to increase the further from the center. In addition, it allows a TSP to control what days of the week delivery is available by postal code. The days of week control integrates with the the scheduling calendar in 'Order Manger' and the automated scheduling systems to control what days the customer can schedule delivery for. The Zone Code number maps to the zone pricing level set in the Service Type Manager. If a Zone has a Zone Code of '21', this means the postal code was automatically setup when an order was imported, and needs to be assigned to a Zone Code number between '1' and '20'. Zones can be managed manually by individually updating zone records, or can be updated via 'XLS' export/import. To use ther import/export method, choose the zone set that you would like to update, then click the 'Export to XLS' button in the lower right corner of the page. Make the required adjustments to the XLS document, then import the XLS document back into LMPro by selecting the 'Zone Import' in the 'File Import' module found in the App menu. Setting the correct Time Zone for each zone is important, as this information is used to translate UTC time into local time when orders are imported. The geographice information regarding in the zone table is useful when trouble shooting incorrect zones as it can easily help clarify if an order is matching an incorrect postal code.
Customer Service Portal
The Customer Service Portal is designed to provide third party vendors direct access to order information and allow limited editing of orders. Access to this interface requires specific permissions setup by the TSP for the vendor login credentials. The interface shows a list of recently viewed orders and a list of all the tracked actions associated with the current user. The search box in the 'Home' view provides a quick search for order codes, but requires an exact order code to return a result. The 'Advanced Search' function can be used to search by partial order code, reference code, last name or phone number. The order information is displayed with an interface identical to the Order Manager, although editing options are limited. Users can edit customer contact details using the delivery address 'Edit' button, cancel orders using the drop down menu in the upper left, or enter return codes for cancelled orders using the 'Edit' button on the 'Stock' panel. A complete list of order life cycle events can be found using the 'Track' tab in the view. The 'Order Notification' link in the top menua bar provides a tool to track specific edits to orders made by the TSP. The Account Manager allows the TSP to set nofification flags for the following edit types - Order Entered, Order Stocked, Date Scheduled, Date Rescheduled, Time Scheduled, Time Rescheduled, Proof of Delivery and Order Failed.
When configuring access for Customer Service Portal users, it is important that the 'Default Interface' is set to 'External Customer Service' in the User Manager.
Customer Service Portal link - https://csr.lmpro.us